The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy is a non-profit organization dedicated to the education and training of mental health professionals in the integration of mindfulness meditation and psychotherapy. Mindfulness is at the heart of Buddhist psychology. The ancient, contemplative tradition of Buddhist psychology is currently converging with the Western, scientific model of psychological inquiry, resulting in innovative advances in psychotherapy theory and practice. Educational programs sponsored by IMP are designed to foster the investigation of mindfulness for enhancing the therapy relationship, clinical interventions, and the well-being of the therapist.
How would things change for you if
mindfulness was more part of therapy?
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An intensive program of study and training in the nexus of mindfulness and psychotherapy.
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Upcoming Events
Retreat with Henry Shukman in Cambridge, MA
A Daylong Retreat with Henry Shukman
Cambridge, MA — Sunday, May 4, 10am–4pm
Office Hours at the Institute
Join us for a new offering: Office Hours at the Institute
Series: Buddhist Psychology in Clinical Practice with Doug Baker, LICSW, IMP Board President
Using Buddhist Psychology in Clinical Practice with Doug Baker, LICSW, IMP
Workshop: MBCT for OCD
The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, the only organization of its type that focuses on
Feeling Body, Emotion Mind: Applying the Latest Affect Neuroscience to Mindfulness & Psychotherapy with Brian Shiers, LMFT
Thursday, December 12, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Better in Every Sense: Norman Farb, PhD and Zindel Segal, PhD, with Paul Fulton, EdD
2024 Mindfulness & Psychotherapy
Exploratory Conversations