Become a Member

Join the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP) Community

Join like-minded professionals and deepen your practice by becoming a member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP).

As a member, you’ll find opportunities for personal and professional growth through mindfulness, the integration of Buddhist Psychology with western psychotherapy, meditation, and the shared commitment to integrating these practices into therapeutic work.

Our community values authenticity, connection, and the shared journey of bringing mindfulness into psychotherapy. Whether you’re just starting out or have years of experience, IMP offers a supportive space to build meaningful relationships, share your insights, and draw inspiration.

Becoming part of IMP means engaging with a vibrant network of professionals dedicated to shaping the future of mindfulness in psychotherapy.

We support practitioners globally through our online programs, welcoming anyone passionate about exploring and integrating mindfulness and mediation into their work.

The purpose of membership is to provide support a rapidly growing community of practitioners of meditation and psychotherapy around the world. Anyone who shares the mission of IMP to work toward an integration of Buddhist psychology and practice with Western psychotherapy is invited to join.

Membership Fee

Student Membership – $25 for 12 months
Early Career (first five years of practice) – $50 for 12 months (or $115 to also be listed in the Clinical Directory)
Established Career (after five years of practice) – $75 for 12 months (or $150 to also be listed in the Clinical Directory)

IMP is a non-profit organization; fees will be used to support the Membership Program.

“IMP is legendary, really, as a hub of deep personal practice combined with deep clinical acumen. It’s great!”

– Rick Hanson, psychologist and author of Buddha’s Brain and Resilient

Benefits of Membership

• Opportunity to align with the work and mission of IMP
• Discounts on many IMP Programs
• Access to our Members-Only Area here on the website, which includes access to the Member Directory

Listing in our Member Directory

• Ability to create and host blog posts on the IMP website
• Membership in and use of the IMPList, a listserv / email discussion list
• COMING SOON: access to the archives from the IMPList

Invitation to Annual Membership Event

• Access to posting events on the IMP Facebook page, Twitter page, Google+ page, and LinkedIn page
• Opportunities to network and join study, practice and writing groups with like-minded professionals
• Opportunities to work with/consult with IMP Faculty
• Opportunities to help shape the Membership organization
• Join us in the (public) IMP meditation group on Insight Timer
• IMP tote bag gift

Please contact to find out about any of these benefits.

Clinical Directory

For any licensed mental health professional wanting to be listed publicly on the Clinical Directory on the Find a Therapist page on the IMP website. This directory is useful for prospective clients and therapists seeking referrals to therapists with particular interest and specialty in mindfulness-based and mindfulness-informed clinical practice. Listings include type of practice, location, contact information, specialties, and insurance options.

Cost of Clinical Directory Listing Per Year:

If you wish to be included in our clinical directory, when you start or renew your membership you can choose to pay an extra fee to be included (not available with student memberships):

$65 for Early Career members
$75 for Established Career members

Note: the clinical directory listing must be purchased at the time of starting a new membership or upon renewal. This fee is on top of your annual IMP membership fee.

IMP is a non-profit organization; fees will be used to support the Membership Program.

To start a new membership and list yourself on the Clinical Directory, click here.

Membership Renewal

If you are already a member and wish to pay for your annual renewal, you can do so up to 30 days prior to your renewal date. To renew your membership, be sure you are first logged into your member profile (click the “Login” link in the blue bar at the top of this page), then click here to pay for your renewal. If you have any questions about your renewal, kindly contact

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