If you would like to post an upcoming event, please send an email with details to mail@meditationandpsychotherapy.org.
Special Note: The IMP Certificate Program in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 program.
Wondering if it’s for you? Click here to learn about this program and to check out what participants have said!
Workshops + Retreats
Mindful Non-Self Compassion: Exploring the Self in Self-Compassion
Join Andrew Olendzki, PhD and Chris Germer, PhD as they explore precisely what is meant by “self” in early Buddhist psychology and in the widely known Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) training program in this unique, public offering.
Free Meditation and Mindfulness Sessions with the HeartWell Institute
Weekly meditation and mindfulness-based programs, at no cost, in both English and Spanish.
Mindfulness Immersion with HeartWell Institute
An experiential program that encompasses the entire didactic components and practices of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR), and weaves throughout deep listening skills and the cultivation of mindful self-compassion.
Mindfulness as a Catalyst for Social Healing with HeartWell Institute
In this program, participants learn a broad repertoire of informal and formal meditation and mindfulness practices and cultivate a systematic way to integrate them in their everyday lives.