Workshop: Befriend & Attend The Heart-Mind-Body with Becky Siden

May 23, 2024 7:30-9p EST


Are you curious about the wisdom held within the body? What does it mean to experience a heart-mind-body connection? If you’re curious, join us for an experiential practice using mindfulness, somatic movement, creativity and flow. You’ll be invited to connect both inward and outward with the larger community; fostering a sense of belonging and shared learning. This playful experience offers the chance to explore your internal landscape and tap into the wisdom within.

Bio: Becky is a licensed psychotherapist and movement facilitator. She holds certifications in Somatic Attachment, Hypnotherapy, and The Daring Way. Becky is the founder of the Center for Growth in Metro Detroit, Michigan, Mindful Self-Compassion teacher, yoga instructor, and Graduate of The Institute for Meditation & Psychotherapy. At the heart of Becky’s approach you will find practices centered on body-heart-mind awareness, compassion, curiosity, playfulness and connection.